It also brings out people flirting with danger...disasters waiting to happen. You have to have a healthy respect for the ocean and keep your distance when she performs a wild show. What was once a wide sandy beach has become the cliffs of Oceanside. One girl climbed out onto the exposed sewage pipes letting the waves wash over her, she eventually tried to get back to land but was thrashed by the waves into the rocks. Others stand right at the edge of the new sandy cliffs as they are falling into the rocks. Yet others are running into the waves that are thrashing the sand. These are not waves welcoming a swim. The paramedics, police, life guards and ambulances have been up and down our street several times over the last few days.
This is definitely a memorable July 4th celebration. Tomorrow night will be the highest tide. We are looking forward to another good show from the powerful sea. This has definitely been more exciting than fireworks.