Sunday, July 17, 2016

Joy of Pride

I walked in a Pride parade for the first time, San Diego Pride, to support my sister (my niece joined us) in Mormons Building Bridges...she is the proud mama of my adorable gay nephew.  While I don't identify with being Mormon anymore or being LGBT, I do identify with love and acceptance so it doesn't matter what my identity, love is what it's all about and it was just fun to participate and celebrate one of too many of our marginalized communities.

There was about 25 great people in the group.  It's a difficult group to be in because either you tow a certain line (Pride parades are generally not on the list) or you leave the church if you can't support the dogma or culture...the middle road can be a challenge on all sides.  I am glad there are courageous people within hoping and working for change in the culture and policies that contribute to the highest suicide rate in Utah, I really hope changes is coming.

My sister's son wasn't able to join us in this one, coincidentally he was busy attending the International AIDS Conference in South Africa for his job as a State Affairs Specialist for AIDS Project Los Angeles.  He's a lover of people and a fighter for justice...a great example to us all...the least we can do is walk in a parade to celebrate the diversity of humans, and there is nowhere on earth you see more diversity than a pride parade!