Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Joy of Running Away

I love running away.  It's my favorite past time and my first choice in any situation that involves conflict or confrontation...or actually any social event as well.  I'm an introvert so none of that is surprising.  My husband is a special education teacher and he has a middle school student that says to just about any unpleasant expectation, "Fuck you, I'm leaving".

I relate, that statement crosses my mind with every unpleasant expectation in my life, too.  And then I behave appropriately and responsibly (most of the time) because that's what we do in the civilized world.

Luckily, my special ed husband knows how to handle me when running away is exactly what I do in a rampant case of frustration (even if it's just to the other room or out for a walk)...he's used to being Mr. Patient and Understanding.

There is an actual Runaway Guide if you are interested.  I'm all about running away for the day, such as day tripping, or for a week such as a vacation, or something more extravagant such as learning a new language in a different country, I did this for a month in much fun.  Or how about teaching English in a third world dream adventure...this will happen before I die.

Then there is the extreme of running away from life and creating a complete alternate personality (it's unlikely I'd go this far but it has crossed my mind at times) or become an expat in another country...which is definitely retirement, of course, because responsibility rules my world, like it or not.  Mostly running away just takes you away from the overwhelming problems that often rule our world, and who doesn't need that for a night or day or weekend or more?  Have at it, as often and as much as your life will allow...enjoy escaping, hiding out, being anonymous...take someone with you or go it the adventure you dream about.