Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Abundant Love Project

I am in love with The Abundant Love Project and even more so now that I've read the story behind it.  It's a touching and heartbreaking read (get your tissues), it's told here:

The Abundant Love Project, a guest blog

This is the perfect little feel good service project for an introvert like me with very little's creative, fun, simple, and even relaxing.  Best of all, I can do it anytime I feel like it.  Does it get better than that?  Even my husband enjoys it.

Like everything else I do, I have to adapt it to me. I don't do the little note with it (isn't that littering?) and so I don't advertise The Abundant Love Project to the recipients of the stones (sorry!)'s just fun surprise for them.  I do write "You are loved" on the back and include a heart because I don't think we can ever hear that enough.

It's a great project to share with your friends who may enjoy creating some pretty rocks and sharing them randomly.  This is just a feel good project for the doer and the receiver.

I won't go into the how to or what supplies to get, it's on the guest blog as well as the Facebook page at the link below.  If it pulls at your heart strings, join in the fun!  By yourself, with your children/family, with your friends, with your church or school...spread the love with rocks!

Make them as simple or as complicated as you want and then enjoy hiding them around your neighborhood, as you travel, at work, or even in your own garden.  Bring on the joy!