Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Joy of Tea

I was not raised on tea, but I have fallen in love with it.  There are so many benefits but mostly I just love the taste and the calming effect.  Tea establishments are popping up everywhere, a whole new way (or actually very old way that has become much more trendy as of late) to spend an afternoon. 

My kids took me to this adorable little tea spot called Dobra Tea in Asheville, NC where we enjoyed specialty iced tea drinks on a hot day.


Yogi Tea Co. - Kava Stress Relief - 16 teabags

I love green or ginger tea in the mornings at work and often drink Kava stress tea in the evenings, but I was always using tea bags...until... 

My daughter introduced me to loose leaf tea.  For Mother's Day she bought me an 

UEndure Tea Infuser along with three varieties of loose leaf tea to try out. 

I loved it, while it most glass, I eventually broke it (sorry lady bug!).  

So instead I bought myself these cute little plastic loose tea infusers, one for work and home.  They are indestructible, made for someone like me, rather ungraceful.

Now I've moved on to some new favorite teas:

Tulsi or Holy Basil loose leaf tea is yummy, no caffeine and came highly recommended from a gynecologist/yogi (I can't remember her name) as one of the best for women's issues.  And it's just yummy.  I love it in the evening.

 Guayusa is another one I'm loving for morning, giving me energy...a great start to my SAVERS mornings.

And of course, Chamomile for a good night's sleep.

And, of course, tea cups are just adorable.

There is a cool little tea spot in Oceanside now...right up my alley...and down my street called Living Tea, my new hang out?

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Joy of getting real

What does it mean to get real?  Honesty, authenticity...being true!  Where is the line between authenticity and being offensive or just being a huge energy drain to yourself and/or others?  Because let's get real, being real about a lot of things can be a pretty sad or angry place, it can stir up some shit for yourself and others.  Getting real means letting your feelings out, your emotions fly, your experience shared.  It's often not pretty. It reminds me of the old song lyrics:

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry if I want to,
You would cry to if it happened to you!"

So where is the line between a pity party or a narcissistic attention seeker and letting your freak flag fly?  That's a good question, depending on your audience they could see any of the above when you let it fly, but that's their problem, not yours.  Yours is to be as real as you can...and that takes practice and courage, especially if you've been trained to play 'nice' and keep your strong opinions to yourself, a much bigger problem for women than men. Yes, there is a time and place and a way with words that will help you be more heard and understood but if you haven't grown up or learned to express yourself fully, it will take some time to figure that out (that's what therapy helps with!).

There is nothing more validating and joyful then speaking to someone who listens when you express your deepest pain (that may seem like nothing to someone else) or your most triumphant achievement (that again may seem like nothing to someone else) and have them respond with "Yes, that is horrible, I can't believe you had to deal with that" or "Wow, you are amazing, you did it, you went out of your comfort zone and accomplished your goal" and then can stay with you while you dredge the bottom of the sewer to get it all out.  Sometimes we only have a voice when we can find that someone that can do that with us.  But today I'm talking about a different kind of joy, the one when you are able to share your voice without the validation, without the audience that will support you...that's courageous and one we often hide from because it's such a scary place for many of us (me included).

A great example to me was at a retreat I went to where we talked about having a shift of perspective, changes in our lives...what it feels like, how it happens, etc.  One activity was to have us stand out among the crowd basically.  The leader asked different experiences we've had and asked each to come to the end of the room if we identified with it (alone if you were the only one) but if you weren't comfortable, even if it was true, to just stay in your place.  So even if you stayed in your place and no one knew this was your experience, you realized you didn't have the courage or capacity, for whatever reason, to express your real self in a public forum, which forced you to contemplate why that was, what that said about you, what you wanted from yourself if it was uncomfortable to hide or uncomfortable to stand up.  I'm a hider. It was uncomfortable to get real with myself about that.  When he asked if anyone identified with being transgender a young pretty girl went to the end of the room.  She looked so alone, so terrified, it was completely heartbreaking.  The leader asked me directly how it made me feel to see her stand out there by herself and I said it broke my heart, I wanted to join her, be by her side and create a safety net around her.  The ally in me. When he asked her how she felt, in her shaky small voice she said she felt strong, powerful and courageous for being real, she felt like a Wonder Woman standing there alone in her truth.  She is my hero.  She earned the Wonder Woman badge of honor that day.

Being real comes more easily to some than others, nature, nurture, maturity, circumstances or all of the above, who knows.  I struggle with it all the time, wanting to hide myself from criticism, from being different, from offending others...and yet my life's goal and purpose all revolve around getting real with myself and others.  There is true joy in authenticity.  Yes, sometimes it's ugly, sometimes it's offensive, and often it's clumsy and may look nothing like joy.  But being real consistently creates a joy like no other and those that understand that will always celebrate your attempts at being real right along with you, because they want to be real too.

Last weekend we enjoyed a morning on the balcony overlooking the ocean, painting rocks and chatting about everything in the world.  My hubby handed me a rock he painted for me and said I was his "Super Maria".  He sees me, all the broken pieces, all the ugly mess. The real me...and he still things I'm a Wonder Woman. It doesn't get better than that.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Joy of Pride

I walked in a Pride parade for the first time, San Diego Pride, to support my sister (my niece joined us) in Mormons Building Bridges...she is the proud mama of my adorable gay nephew.  While I don't identify with being Mormon anymore or being LGBT, I do identify with love and acceptance so it doesn't matter what my identity, love is what it's all about and it was just fun to participate and celebrate one of too many of our marginalized communities.

There was about 25 great people in the group.  It's a difficult group to be in because either you tow a certain line (Pride parades are generally not on the list) or you leave the church if you can't support the dogma or culture...the middle road can be a challenge on all sides.  I am glad there are courageous people within hoping and working for change in the culture and policies that contribute to the highest suicide rate in Utah, I really hope changes is coming.

My sister's son wasn't able to join us in this one, coincidentally he was busy attending the International AIDS Conference in South Africa for his job as a State Affairs Specialist for AIDS Project Los Angeles.  He's a lover of people and a fighter for justice...a great example to us all...the least we can do is walk in a parade to celebrate the diversity of humans, and there is nowhere on earth you see more diversity than a pride parade!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Stoned Joy

I'm not sure why I'm so in love with painting stones right now, but here's the top 10 reasons I do it:

1.  Because it's easy
2.  Stones are so available right out my front door
3.  It's cheap
4.  It's 'earthing' so completely relaxing
5.  Feels good to do something creative
6.  Feels good to give a gift to the world
7.  No pressure to do it well
8.  No pressure to get it done
9.  No prep or clean up
10.  I inspire myself with the positive inscriptions!

Anyway, someone else has their own stone painting project besides The Abundant Love Project, this one is at, it is all about painting inspiring words on the stones and sharing them with the world.  They work with women's shelters to fund raise as well...but I just like the words.  I'm one of the weirdos that actually buys stones with words engraved on them, so making them now is even more fun.

I actually made some wood plaques with inspiring words and give them to my husbands family for Christmas one year, it was a project where they picked a wrapped word painted on a piece of wood and were supposed to think about it all year and what it meant to them.  I don't think anyone cared, lol, but I enjoyed it.  I'm sort of a word nerd.

I like this inspiring word project better because when I would hide the 'You are loved' stones I was embarrassed someone might see me and wonder if I was sincere that I loved them or if there was really someone that loved them (some people really don't have people that love them, unfortunately) or if there was really a God that loved them (depends on who you ask!).  Being an introvert, that sort of terrified me to be 'caught' and 'questioned' about my motives and sincerity.  I just want to paint stones and hide expectations of me, please.  Sounds silly I know but inspiring words, who doesn't love that and there can't be any expectation of me, I'm just delivering fun and positive words!  I actually combined the projects and do a design on one side and a positive word on the other.

Unfortunately, I make them faster than I can get rid of them.  I need to get out more...

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Joy of Mother Nature

It's July 4th weekend and we are having the highest tide ever.  The beach is being pelted and washed away.  Tables, signs, garbage bins, barbecues all falling in to the ocean that is taking over the beach. First time I've ever seen anything so crazy on the beach here.  Even the life guard station had to be moved due to the loss of beach.  It's both an amazing show and a frightening reminder of the power of mother nature.  All you can do is watch in awe.

It also brings out people flirting with danger...disasters waiting to happen.  You have to have a healthy respect for the ocean and keep your distance when she performs a wild show.  What was once a wide sandy beach has become the cliffs of Oceanside.  One girl climbed out onto the exposed sewage pipes letting the waves wash over her, she eventually tried to get back to land but was thrashed by the waves into the rocks. Others stand right at the edge of the new sandy cliffs as they are falling into the rocks.  Yet others are running into the waves that are thrashing the sand.  These are not waves welcoming a swim.  The paramedics, police, life guards and ambulances have been up and down our street several times over the last few days.

This is definitely a memorable July 4th celebration.  Tomorrow night will be the highest tide.  We are looking forward to another good show from the powerful sea.  This has definitely been more exciting than fireworks.