Monday, October 31, 2016

Holistic Therapy and Joy

Image result for edgar cayce centerImage result for salt therapy
I love trying new things and am fascinated with holistic therapies, here are a few of my most recent holistic adventures:

While in Virginia Beach I visited the Edgar Cayce Center, he is famous for his psychic medical readings which the holistic center is based on. I also got his book to read a bit more about's a fascinating story...he died in 1945 but his center lives on.  There are probably as many skeptics as believers, which fascinates me most of all...if something is true, how do we really know (does it matter if people are enjoying it?) and what does it say about those that follow or don't follow? People are fascinating.  That's a whole other post.  I tried the castor oil and reflexology treatment along with their own unique massage. I did feel very relaxed after it.

I went to a salt cave in North Carolina since I wasn't feeling well from allergies and altitude...45 minutes was supposed to have the same effect as 4 days at the beach.  It was very relaxing...not sure if it was as powerful as a vacation on the beach.

I bought a green therapy stone (I can't remember the name) from the cute gift shop for my meditations, it's supposed to protect me from negative emotions, I could use that!  I also got a purple and rose quartz necklace that is supposed to bring me harmony and joy...for my year of joy!

Image result for chakra balanceThis week I'm researching Chakra balancing, I could use some balance in my life.  I love this 10 minute meditation in the mornings: Chakra Meditation Balancing & Healing  

Color and art therapy is a couple others I've been enjoying reading about.  Colors have a lot of power...make sure you include the ones you want in your life, the way you dress, the colors in your house, whatever!  Purple is supposed to help with creativity...I need more purple in my life.  I need more art such a better balance to my life.  I really enjoy Paint Nite but I've got to bring it home and do more on my own...writing comes pretty naturally but I really struggle with feeling good about my paintings...I have such a hard time just letting go, lots of inhibitions I suppose...

Simple Definition of inhibition
  • : a nervous feeling that prevents you from expressing your thoughts, emotions, or desires
I'm a work in progress...working now on challenging those inhibitions!  Emotions are a powerful resource for creativity...anger, grief, jealousy...pour it into painting, writing, whatever...get it out in some way so you can let it go.  Dream:  November I will focus on creative writing and art therapy since it's NaNoWriMo, hah, MAYBE I'll post my accomplishments.  Reality: I always have bigger goals than I can possibly accomplish.

Image result for psychology of color

1 comment:

C.J. said...

I Love how in tune you are with your emotions. Like riding a wave. Then being open to wherever it takes you.