Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Joy of Running Away

I love running away.  It's my favorite past time and my first choice in any situation that involves conflict or confrontation...or actually any social event as well.  I'm an introvert so none of that is surprising.  My husband is a special education teacher and he has a middle school student that says to just about any unpleasant expectation, "Fuck you, I'm leaving".

I relate, that statement crosses my mind with every unpleasant expectation in my life, too.  And then I behave appropriately and responsibly (most of the time) because that's what we do in the civilized world.

Luckily, my special ed husband knows how to handle me when running away is exactly what I do in a rampant case of frustration (even if it's just to the other room or out for a walk)...he's used to being Mr. Patient and Understanding.

There is an actual Runaway Guide if you are interested.  I'm all about running away for the day, such as day tripping, or for a week such as a vacation, or something more extravagant such as learning a new language in a different country, I did this for a month in much fun.  Or how about teaching English in a third world dream adventure...this will happen before I die.

Then there is the extreme of running away from life and creating a complete alternate personality (it's unlikely I'd go this far but it has crossed my mind at times) or become an expat in another country...which is definitely retirement, of course, because responsibility rules my world, like it or not.  Mostly running away just takes you away from the overwhelming problems that often rule our world, and who doesn't need that for a night or day or weekend or more?  Have at it, as often and as much as your life will allow...enjoy escaping, hiding out, being anonymous...take someone with you or go it the adventure you dream about.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Joy of Earthing

One of my biggest problems right now is my anxiety and stress from multiple sources as well as menopause in general.

Apparently it creates an imbalance of cortisol which is influencing my weight, which I hate. I'm sure I also have adrenal fatigue. My liver and kidneys are not doing well based on my latest blood tests...all of this seems to be related.

I'm trying to lower it holistically through various sources such as this article prescribes:

Stressed? 5 Ways to Rebalance Cortisol for Radiant Living

The last recommendation, earthing was a new one to me.  It completely makes sense, I've been doing it all my life but didn't know it was a 'thing' with a 'name'.  Admittedly, as an adult it's become less and less as time is at a premium and I try to fit in exercise at work or the fitness center or the house...and now I need to incorporate connecting with the earth back into my life.

Today I took the time to 'earth', walk in the sand and through the water rather than my usual fitness walk in my walking shoes.  It is always relaxing and now I know it's necessary therapy and I have it right out my door so no excuses for me.

Earthing Universal Mat with Cover KitOf course, it's a current trend with books and products galore...I am tempted to try the earthing mat under my key board, I'm wondering if it would help with all the pain in my wrists from typing so much.  Universal Mat Kit

The nice thing about it, it's basically free to everyone if you just walk outside barefoot.  Which can be a problem in bad weather or big cities full of concrete.  Luckily there are indoor options too (love the salt baths and this totally explains why I love painting my stones!):

Can’t Go Outside? 7 Ways to Get Grounded Indoors

And yet more interesting products and their uses (gotta love the Plugzz shoes, who knew grounding could be fashionable?):

The Ultimate Indoor Grounding Guide: What To Use & When To Use It

So get your vitamin "G" and ground today! 

Here is a great video that explains why it's so therapeutic for us as well as a book:

Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Joy of Day Tripping and other Adult Fun

Going on vacation has always been my favorite thing to do, mostly because it gets me out of my life and changes the scenery.  Not that my life is bad, it just gets boring and dull to do the same thing day in and day out (or even worse, work so much on houses, overtime and 2nd jobs that you want to claw your eyes out).  Unfortunately, vacations can be quite expensive even if you find a great deal.

Oddly last night I had a dream that I had to just leave and got on a plane to Spain, by myself, my subconscious telling my I'm in need of a day off...or a few?  I do plain on going to Spain...some day.

The next best thing?  Day tripping, it's easy to incorporate into almost every weekend.  It can be just an hour or all day long.  It's fun with your significant other, your kids, a girl friend or even by yourself.  In fact, in the famous book, Artist's Way, author Julie Cameron actually recommends lone Artist Dates on a regular basis:

Artist Dates are assigned play.

The Artist Date is a once-weekly, festive, solo expedition to explore
something that interests you. The Artist Date need not be overtly
“artistic” — think mischief more than mastery. Artist Dates fire up the
imagination. They spark whimsy. They encourage play. Since art is about the
play of ideas, they feed our creative work by replenishing our inner well
of images and inspiration. When choosing an Artist Date, it is good to ask yourself, “what sounds fun?” — and then allow yourself to try it.

We all need a whole lot more play in our lives.  Look around your own city or the cities within a couple hours drive and there are probably many things you've never done before (or time to do again).  A few great sources to begin your search:  Groupon, Trip Advisor, and Meet Up.  There are also phone applications to download for your local city/event/food/art/hike/activity search.  It takes just a little imagination and you and/or your crew can be out and about in no time.  I've been on the search lately for of few new day trips around me too and below is just a few of my most recent.  I look forward to finding many more!

Climbing Double Peak trail and visiting Myrtle Creek Farms (the crepes were divine!).

The Getty Museum, Clifford's Cafeteria, and Vroman's Bookstore.

Warwick's author events (they are often free!)

Need more ideas to bring more fun into your life?  
Check this out:

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Abundant Love Project

I am in love with The Abundant Love Project and even more so now that I've read the story behind it.  It's a touching and heartbreaking read (get your tissues), it's told here:

The Abundant Love Project, a guest blog

This is the perfect little feel good service project for an introvert like me with very little's creative, fun, simple, and even relaxing.  Best of all, I can do it anytime I feel like it.  Does it get better than that?  Even my husband enjoys it.

Like everything else I do, I have to adapt it to me. I don't do the little note with it (isn't that littering?) and so I don't advertise The Abundant Love Project to the recipients of the stones (sorry!)'s just fun surprise for them.  I do write "You are loved" on the back and include a heart because I don't think we can ever hear that enough.

It's a great project to share with your friends who may enjoy creating some pretty rocks and sharing them randomly.  This is just a feel good project for the doer and the receiver.

I won't go into the how to or what supplies to get, it's on the guest blog as well as the Facebook page at the link below.  If it pulls at your heart strings, join in the fun!  By yourself, with your children/family, with your friends, with your church or school...spread the love with rocks!

Make them as simple or as complicated as you want and then enjoy hiding them around your neighborhood, as you travel, at work, or even in your own garden.  Bring on the joy!