Sunday, May 8, 2016

Photographic Joy

I love the technology of digital cameras and phones so we can take as many pictures as we want at no cost.  It wasn't that long ago that you had to actually buy film and pay to print photos.  My biggest problem is the amount of photos I have and not knowing quite how to organize them or keep them.  I have them all over the place, Flickr, two Facebook accounts, as well as miscellaneous blogs over the years.  I've also had them on computers but I always lose them when the computer crashes so I keep them all online now.  Of course, there is also all the old printed ones in photo albums and scrapbooks.  Those were a lot of work and I don't even enjoy getting out the old dusty books.

I LOVE having all the photos, I love looking back at all the memories of my life, my children, my friends, my travels...and even my food!  It brings back all the incredible sights, sounds and tastes.

One of my favorite things to do is create slide shows of my photos with music.  It's even easy to just take a photo of an old print photo and upload it!  I'm not a perfectionist and don't really want to take the time to be that creative so am thrilled that YouTube allows you to create a quick slide show with as many photos as you want and store it online with all your other slide shows.

I can just sit and watch them over and over with background music.  I have them of my children, my travels, wedding and honeymoon, even my first mud run.  They aren't professional photos or professional videography, just me and my memories in a quick slide show with music (although some of them are missing the music since I didn't know what I was doing!), easy to keep up stress, lots of joy!  My YouTube Slide shows - Memories of Joy

One of my favorites for Mother's Day today: