Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Joy (and Power) of Vision Boards

Today I spent a relaxing Saturday afternoon creating my 2016 Joy Vision Board.  
A Vision Board is a creative way to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on your life goals.  You can use a poster board, box or basically anything that you can display words or images (cut from magazines, written, painted, etc.) that represent what you want to be or have in your life (or as in my case just for this year). 

I hung mine in my bathroom in place of a not so inspiring picture. I included all the things I'm focusing on for this year as I 

I've been making these for years just because they are fun but they work too!  Here's one I did about 8 years ago after I was divorced and trying to create my new life...and guess what?  I created a great new life!  Try it out!

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