Well, this is a fascinating find, The Institute of Joy is a hotel clinic specializing in joy treatments. I'm sure that would be a fascinating getaway. Although I don't plan to travel across the world for a joy treatment any time soon (the expense would more likely steal joy from me than add to it right now), I do like their teaching on the importance of using the five senses as a practice to feel joy, they actually offer a workshop to tap into deep joy through the senses.
This week's practice in the Art of Joy includes experimenting in my own workshop of the senses here at home, focusing on all the sensory delights around me. This goes right along with finding joy in ordinary life by being more aware and living more fully in the present.
As a gift to myself, I bought an aromatherapy diffuser from Amazon which just arrived. Joy therapy tonight included a mix of lavender and eucalyptus essential oils (smell), kava tea (taste), jacuzzi time (touch), enjoying our ocean view (sight) and listening to music (hear)...I've got it covered today, I found joy! I will practice paying closer attention to the sensations of life.
Just a few of my favorite sensory delights include:
Sight: The ocean and crashing waves I can see from my window, it's different every single day! The changing colors of the sky throughout the day. I love seeing words, I have a lot of word art in my home. The soft glow from burning candles, and surrounding my home with bright colors...I especially love red/orange and turquoise/aqua, the colors of the sun and ocean.As a gift to myself, I bought an aromatherapy diffuser from Amazon which just arrived. Joy therapy tonight included a mix of lavender and eucalyptus essential oils (smell), kava tea (taste), jacuzzi time (touch), enjoying our ocean view (sight) and listening to music (hear)...I've got it covered today, I found joy! I will practice paying closer attention to the sensations of life.
Just a few of my favorite sensory delights include:
Smell: Flowers, aromatherapy lotions and oils, candles, clean laundry and fresh baked bread. The smell of babies head.
I like it, somewhere at home are all the quotes I found on "joy" sometime after Richard died, as I, too, sought the meaning of and feeling of Joy! Good findings on your journey!
And you are not late, but right on time, today is my 83rd birthday...thanks for the wish and for the good read, really like that poem.
Thanks, Mom. Happy 83rd! xoxo
It's so great that you are taking this journey. You inspire me.
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