Friday, November 25, 2016

Thankfully Joyful

Image result for joy thanksIt's turkey day and time to reflect on all the things that make me happy in life.  It's easy to focus on the difficult stuff, the things that cause stress, anxiety, pain...and there is just so much of it.  It's not as easy to turn it around and focus on the simple things that make life sweet.

The friendships, the family, the partner you share life with...especially the partner I share my life with, even on the really hard days he keeps putting up with far at least.

25 random things I'm grateful for today:

  1. Cheese and bread in any form
  2. Sea shells
  3. The ability to just start over after failure
  4. Forgiveness, the giving and receiving
  5. Epsom salt baths
  6. Infrared sauna
  7. Rodney white art
  8. Jacuzzi time
  9. Mermaids
  10. The color turquoise
  11. Calls/texts from my kids
  12. Painting
  13. Talking to myself
  14. Xanax
  15. Zen music
  16. Books, books and more books
  17. Wearing my jammies
  18. Brave and strong Wonder Woman, and today, Leah Rimini for her series Disconnection
  19. Texas Roadhouse rolls with cinnamon butter
  20. Silver jewelry
  21. Cozy blankets
  22. Amazon shopping
  23. Flip flops and boots
  24. Getting paid
  25. Everyday I don't have to go to work

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