Friday, April 15, 2016

The Joy of Traveling Alone

Now that I'm older and have no kids in tow I have more opportunity to travel, Yes, it is often to visit my kids but still, it counts.  I have come to really enjoy traveling by myself since often my hubby can't come because of work.

As I sit today at the airport en route from the west coast to the east coast to visit loved ones I'm contemplating the joys of a day spent flying around by myself:

1.  Time to read on my phone, magazines, regular books...they are all with me.

2.  Conversation with strangers sitting next to me, I seriously know this thirty year old girls whole life after 3 hours of talking on the plane and I don't even know her name.

3.  Time to blog (made my weekly submission!).

4.  People watching, I love imaging what their lives are like.  People watching is a great way to come up with a fictional story.

5.  Eating at the airport, the big ones have so many choices and always chocolate shops.  Just had a yummy blue cheese/cranberry/walnut salad.

6.  The thrill of going up and down in a plane, does that ever get old?

7.  I feel free, I'm no longer in the box of my life, no one knows me but me!

8. Walking through the airport with your headphones on and your favorite music...if you haven't tried it, you must.  It feels surreal, like you're the character in a movie and ANYTHING can happen!

9.  All worries are out the window because I'm suspended in this space that doesn't exit in my life or anyone else's. I'm just traveling.

10. Having my backpack of everything important to me, food, water, reading material, phone, camera, makeup, computer, paper, pens, glasses, money, ID,  power plugs, jacket, and clean underwear, I got it all and I'm ready for anything!

I've actually traveled alone for a weekend to the beach and a week to a Writer's Retreat, both after I divorced.  It felt scary and exhilarating at the same time.  I felt so grown up!  It's not scary anymore. I think I could do a whole trip alone almost anywhere if I had to...if no one was available or I just needed space just for me.  Especially with all the iPhone tour apps, you can just put on your phone and walk through the city and get an incredible history lesson.  Of course, there is a lot of magic in having someone special to share it all with.

The world is a fascinating place...I look forward to seeing more of it!
