Friday, March 4, 2016

Joy through Self Care

I'm learning a lot about self care in my journey to joy.  This is not something I grew up with or even thought much about through the years of raising kids.  In fact, I never had a massage or pedicure until I was divorced, my kids became adults and I was in my forties.  Money was tight, time was tighter.  It just wasn't feasible in my life at the time, and didn't seem important.  I did exercise, read books and wrote in a journal when I could squeeze it in but not really as a ritual that I gave to myself and certainly not the luxury of spas or retreats.  I also felt guilty being so selfish with my own desires.  I can now, both time and money is much more my own...and I don't feel guilty, I've finally realized that making sure I'm healthy is the most important thing I can do for those around me.  And wow, does it make a difference!  I now get a pedicure and a massage once a month.  I just joined a Wellness Center that brings fitness to a level of luxury I never knew existed.  I'm working on my nutrition, my biggest challenge, and I see a therapist when I'm feeling in a funk I can't get out of. I even go on personal and girlfriend retreats that are rejuvenating!  This lifestyle is a lot more fun for sure.  I feel very lucky to be able to do these things for myself. 

However, one of the best things I started doing for my own self care doesn't cost a dime and only takes 30 minutes.  My sister let me in on this little secret and I can't imagine my day without it now. It's called the Miracle Morning. a book by Hal Elrod.  I admit, I didn't read the book but I read the basic instructions and took it from's pretty basic, and yet wonderful.  

Hal isn't the only one preaching morning self care, there are a few others out there, all good and practical advice, 

Self Care Power Hour with the Blissful Mind


Hal just puts it in a recipe that's easy to remember and kind of now I'm saving every day with SAVERS!  

Right now I'm reading out of Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic and The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo as well as one my cousin just recommended which is great...and definitely something I need help with, FEAR by Thich Nhat Hanh.  

I write in my journal and I do yoga.  I'm REALLY lucky and get to look out at an ocean view while meditating on my life...doesn't get much better than that.  I turn on my calm music (YouTube has wonderful calm, yoga, or zen music stations that last over 3 hours!), start the diffuser with essential oils and try to focus on controlling my mind in a positive ways (always a challenge).  It is an incredible way to start the day.  

When my husband is home, I'm embarrassed to say, I get frustrated because I'm used to my alone time after he goes to work...just his presence kind of ruins my personal morning retreat (don't tell him I said that!)...need to work on getting him in on the act.  Just for him I try to do a different ritual that includes him...he likes the music and diffuser but wants to talk and cuddle, walk on the beach and get coffee together...all good rituals for self care and us's the simple things that bring the most joy.