Friday, March 18, 2016

Cultures of Joy

I found a unique book at the Wellness Center Free Library called The Sweet Life,  apropos since it's all about living a happier and more balanced life.  It focuses on the unique and healthiest of cultural practices from around the world.  As much as we like to believe America is where it's at, we have some pretty poor behaviors compared to the rest of the world such as working too much, wasting too much and having too much...all take from our time, our energy and our relationships.

Here is just a few I plan to implement in my own life:

Scandinavia - the law of Jante...while having it's negative points just taking on the idea of simpler living, less materialism, humble surroundings, not being wasteful. Give away clothes you don't wear, clean out items you don't use, don't buy things unless you really need them.  In America we have the saying, "keeping up with the Joneses", it's basically the opposite...modesty and making due with less. According to a study Americans are less happy because we focus too much on things at the expense of our relationships.  I love purging.  With all my moves (more than 40 in my 52 years!) I am well versed in it.  But I can always do more...more importantly I need to work on buying less and eating less, goals for this year.

India - Inner peace with meditation.  According to a study, the more we meditate, the more our stress is reduced. Specifically it is supposed to help reduce pain, enhance immune system, decrease depression, anxiety, anger and confusion.  Also slows heart rate, increases blood flow, reverses heart disease, control thoughts, increase energy, gives sense of calm and balance.  I definitely need more of all of these.  Frequency is more important than length of time.  Sitting still is not my favorite...this will definitely take some effort.

Hungary - Slow down and get personal.  Enjoy people, relationships, the moment.  This is a hard one for me.  I'm an introvert and I do everything fast.  It's also subjective, not something I can check off my list.  According to this book, the Hungarian people are the best part of their culture.  They like to do nothing special except spend time getting to know each other, understand what they think and why they think it.  They like to ask very personal questions.  What a concept compared to America being big on boundaries, both physical and emotional.  I do need to slow down and enjoy people more, find out what makes people tick and take more of an interest in it...but I'll keep my personal boundaries as needed.

Philippines - A people of hope and optimism.  It's a cultural norm to refrain from negative comments, children are taught to maintain cordial relations with everyone.  Yes, I need this practice.  It's in their smiles: spontaneous, warm and infectious.  They are known for their cheerful approach to life, a sense of humor, pleasant disposition and indomitable spirit. What a wonderful culture.  I need to work on this one.

Simplicity, meditation, connection and optimism...
on my way to more joy!